Collection: George Read
George Read arrived at Harvard as a pre-med freshman. Biology and chemistry were his first love, so it was unusual when, to fulfill a humanities requirement, he encountered famed Dutch old master paintings scholar Seymour Slive, one of the university’s most celebrated lecturers. Three years later, he graduated with a degree in the History of Art.
He was offered a position at Sotheby’s, New York. He took the job and moved to the United States. This next evolution, as specialist, auctioneer, lecturer, and consultant engaged him, in some function or other, with “nearly every category of art and antiquity known, the collectors of those objects, and the markets where they trade, both real and fraudulent.”
Now he is back in the studio. He describes the break as immensely positive; an opportunity to sharpen and refine-, even if the break was quite a bit longer than anticipated.